Forest Management
Our forest management skills have been applied to a diverse range of forestry projects in British Columbia, Alaska, the Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, Ontario, and Alberta.
Fire Ecology
& Management
Blackwell is at the forefront of North American wildfire risk assessment and management, on both large and small scales. We have worked closely with Provincial government ministries in BC and Alberta to develop landscape-level fire management plans and strategies and provincial datasets, classifications, and standards.
These include the BC Provincial Strategic Threat Analysis (PSTA), BC Fire Weather Zones, and the Alberta Wildfire Management Planning Standard (based on CAN/CSA – ISO 31000-10 Risk Management Principles and Guidelines). We expanded our experience co-developing the Provincial Strategic Threat Analysis by developing a custom Head Fire Intensity Layer that contributes to wildfire risk analyses at the municipal, regional and landscape level.
Our Wildfire Risk Management System provides wildfire threat ratings based on the probability of fire versus the severity of consequences.
This system has been applied by local and regional governments:
- BC Wildfire Service
- BC Parks
- BC Hydro
- Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
- U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in Alaska
- Private sector clients
- Clients from Insurance Industry
- Forestry companies in BC and Alberta
We have developed leading-edge applications to map and classify fuel types, historical natural fire regimes, and changes in fuel conditions associated with the effects of fire suppression and changes in forest health.
Our Expertise Includes
- Wildfire Hazard Assessments Completed at Local and Regional Levels
- Fuel Management Assessment
- Wildfire Prevention Planning
- Prescribed Burn Planning
- Wildfire Behaviour Modeling: (read more)
- Canadian Fire Behaviour Prediction System
- Burn P3
- Prometheus Fire Growth Model
- FlamMap
- US Behave Plus
Policy Development: (read more)
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- Retained by the Association of BC Forest Professionals and Forest Practices Board of BC to develop policy on forest fire and fuel management related issues.
- Provided written recommendations for the 2003 Firestorm Provincial Review.
Community Wildfire Protection Planning: (read more)
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- Over 150 Community Wildfire Protection Plans have been completed for municipalities and regional districts in BC.
- In Alberta, we have completed numerous FireSmart Wildfire Preparedness Plans for municipal communities and First Nations lands.
Fuel Management Prescription Development: (read more)
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- Blackwell strives to produce tailored Fuel Management Prescriptions that meet multiple objectives of local, Provincial and private landowners; whatever they may be.
- Blackwell has developed assessment methods to evaluate success of fuel treatment prescription and implementation of provincial investments from both the WRR and FESBC programs.
- Blackwell has coordinated large fuel management programs including Fuel Management Prescription development and treatment for over 1,500 ha with locations in various forest ecosystems within BC.
Forest Health
Blackwell has been working on a broad range of forest health issues and has extensive experience in extension, assessment, monitoring, and strategy development for various jurisdictions, at various scales. Our skills have been applied to a range of projects across North America.
Our Expertise Includes

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- Coast Forest Region aerial forest health surveys and ground assessments completed annually since 2007 for the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.
- Custom forest health assessments of Metro Vancouver Watersheds, Metro Parks.
- Forest health assessments and expert advisors on forest health issues related to oil and gas development in BC and Alberta.
- Development of hazard and risk assessments, and follow-up monitoring for bark beetles, defoliators and root disease throughout BC.
- Development of a hazard and risk assessment for BC Hydro transmission and infrastructure.
- Permanent plot establishment for forest health monitoring.
- Forest health assessments conducted as an integral part of silviculture surveys and treatment recommendations completed on over 100,000 ha in BC.

Strategic Planning
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- Treatment prescription and management plan development for various clients.
- Developed mitigation strategies to manage identified forest health risks to provincial infrastructure.

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- Developed and instructed Forest Health and Forest Protection courses for BCIT’s Sustainable Resource Development Program.
- Developed a forest health management guide for BC Hydro maintenance crews.
- Developed a Forest Health Training Manual and Reference Guide for the Yukon Government for use by forest managers and the general public.

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- Completed various assessments of windthrow hazards and design of windthrow mitigation treatments and danger tree removals.
Forest Planning
& Engineering
Blackwell provides forest engineering services with a professional emphasis on stewardship and sustainable forest practices.
Our Expertise Includes
Forest Road and Cutblock Design
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- We design and layout roads and cutblocks to meet the challenges of difficult terrain, visually sensitive areas, and sensitive forest types, while protecting non-timber values.
- Experience with layout for clearcut and partial cut silviculture systems using cable, aerial and ground-based logging systems.
- Road rehabilitation and deactivation.
- Single and multi-layered compliance surveys
Logging and Falling Supervision
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- We ensure compliance with client SOPs, logging plans and silviculture prescriptions.
Long Range Plans
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- Specialization in liaison work with various resource agencies, First Nations and the public to compile all required information to facilitate total resource and landscape unit planning.
Forest Stewardship Plans
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- Experience with preparation and submission, public advertising, First Nations consultation, resource agency referrals and government approval.
Permit and Lease Applications
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- Experience preparing and submitting applications for timber marks, cutting permits, burning permits, special use permits and road permits.
Visual Quality Analysis
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- Conduct operational planning, harvesting and road compliance audits in addition to evaluations of client SOPs and forest stewardship plans approved under the Forest and Range Practices Act.
Timber Cruising
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- Provide all planning and field timber cruising services for various clients on the coast and interior including industrial forestry, mining and research projects.
Timber Valuation
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- Provide services to support the sale and/or transfer of both public and private forest land, and license or tenure risk assessments.
- Experience with development of financial analysis tools to assess both second growth and old growth forests in the valuation of forestland assets.
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- Forest practice audits of full phase forestry - planning, development and silviculture.
- Liability audits of roads, bridges, shops, log dumps and silviculture accruals.
Blackwell provides silviculture services with a professional emphasis on stewardship, forest ecology, and sustainable forest management. We plan and implement silviculture programs of all sizes and complexities, with a focus on quality control.
Our Expertise Includes
Silviculture Surveys or Surveying
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- Silviculture surveys completed for forest licensees (including woodlots), BC Timber Sales, and BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.
- Compliance single and multi-layered surveys including Regeneration Delay and Free Growing surveys.
- Planting quality and pay plots, brushing efficacy, and stocking survival surveys.
- Detailed Site Assessments for silviculture treatment prescriptions.
- Post-harvest assessment surveys.
- Stocking assessments for wildfire and mountain pine beetle impacted areas and Innovative Timber Sale License (ITSL) eligibility.
Silviculture Policy Development and Guidance
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- Expertise in preparing prescriptions using partial cutting and alternative silviculture systems
Forest Fertilization Planning and Implementation
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- Completed all aspects of fertilization planning and application on more than 25,000 ha in coastal and interior ecosystems from strategic planning, prescription development, and treatment supervision to results submissions
- Fertilizer screening trials and foliar nutrient sampling
Woodlot, Community and Private Forest Management
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- Ecological-based inventories, prescriptions and plans and valuations.
Site Preparation, Planting, Brushing & Weeding, Spacing and Pruning
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- Prescription development
- Supervision
Forest Practices Audits
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- Silviculture survey and program reviews
- Site Plan and Forest Stewardship Plan reviews